Dan Englesson



Course: TNM082 - Agile Usability Development for Handheld Devices


Blockz is a puzzle game where the goal is to fill all the brown pit holes with blocks by kicking the blocks vertically or horizontally, and blocking with other blocks to get to the pit holes. This project was carried out by a group of 12 people where focus was on the agile development and extreme pro-gramming to plan and perform a larger scale production which in this case resulted in an Android game. A test group was chosen and tests were performed on the test group throughout the project to get good feedback on the game usability and game play.

Course contents

This course will examine several films to explore the tricks of the trade. We will examine contemporary films, which use techniques that have been taught throughout the programme. The guest lecturers from industry will represent different stages of the SFX production ranging from research and development to compositing of final sequences. The learning outcomes of this course are as follows:

  • Usability methods: User-centered system development, target group analysis, personas
  • Usability evaluation: Interview techniques, cognitive walkthrough, roleplaying, prototyping
  • Interaction design methodology: Brainstorming, storyboards, creativity exercises
  • Agile development: Extreme programming with concepts such as pair-programming, test-driven development and refactoring<
  • Work support: Bluetooth communication, sound in interfaces
  • Quantitative and qualitative usage tests

Full course information: TNM082 - Agile Usability Development for Handheld Devices
