Dan Englesson

Synthesizing sound from physically based motion


Course: TNM063 - Sound technology II


Deformable objects can accurately be simulated by using the Finite Element Method. For the finite element method, tetrahedrons are used as finite elements since it is the simplest object that can represent a volume. Physically accurate material constants can be put in to simulate different materials and is done by changing the Young's modulus and the density of the material. The deformable object vibrates when it has collided with another object and these vibrations are represented as velocities of a triangle surface and from these changes in velocities, pressure for each face is calculated and used for calculating the sound.

Course contents

  • Overview of multirate signal processing techniques
  • Time-frequency representations and filter banks
  • Gabor expansions
  • Wavelets
  • Frequency warping
  • Pitch-synchronous methods
  • Auditory perception
  • Quantization and A/D D/A conversion
  • Applications in perceptual coding (MPEG, AAC, Vorbis) sound source separation, special effects
  • Sound synthesis by physical models
  • Digital waveguides
  • Structured audio coding.

Full course information: TNM063 - Sound technology II
